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First, you would need to start the Appium Server. And second, you would also need a mechanism using which you can identify the controls buttons, text boxes etc in the mobile app which you want to automate. Appium Desktop helps you perform both these tasks —. We will encourage you to check out the non-GUI version as well. We have many more articles comping up for Appium Desktop. We will provide the links at the end of this article, as and when we publish these articles.

Appium Desktop has a lot of features that help you make it easy to write tests for Appium. However, in this article you will learn about the download and install process of Appium Desktop on a windows machine.

We have lot more other articles for Appium Desktop as well — where we will cover in detail, the process of using it for writing your test scripts. You can have a look at out Appium Tutorial main page, where we have added all these articles in a step by step manner. This page lists down all the versions of Appium Desktop.

You will have to download the latest version which is shown at the top of the page. The latest version on the website is v1. Please Note: New beta versions are released very often. Even if you see a newer version on Github, please go ahead and download that version. The steps given in this article would remain the same only the screenshot contents might change. In the Downloads section of the latest release, you will find different packages for Windows, Mac, Linux etc. With this, we complete the download process for Appium Desktop.

Let us now install it on our machine. Open the folder location where you have downloaded Appium Desktop and double click on the exe to start the installation process. Appium will first ask you Installation Options. Leave the already selected option as it is and then click on Install button.

Once the installation process starts, you will see the Appium Setup window as displayed below. Now, leave the Run Appium checkbox selected and click on Finish button. Appium Desktop Start screen will be displayed. To verify that the installation and setup is successful, click on Start Server button.

After Appium server is stopped, you can close the Appium Desktop window. With this we complete the Appium Desktop download and installation process. Try it out and let us know if you face any issues while setting up Appium Desktop. You can also share your feedback with us with using the comments section. Your feedback will go a long way in helping us improve our articles and make it more useful to all our readers.

Want to learn more about Appium Desktop? Then check out the links given below we will keep adding more articles here. Learn more about the different features of Appium Desktop 2. Mobile elements inspection with Appium Desktop — Part 1 3. Mobile elements inspection with Appium Desktop — Part 2. If you are looking for complete Appium setup, then please check out our Appium Tutorial guide. This is a complete tutorial series that will help you setup Appium from scratch. Skip to content Skip to primary sidebar Appium Desktop in the new open-source GUI app that helps you access the Appium Server using a graphical interface.

We will provide the links at the end of this article, as and when we publish these articles What topics are covered in this article Appium Desktop has a lot of features that help you make it easy to write tests for Appium. Download Appium Desktop Follow the steps given below to download the latest version of Appium Desktop — 1.

The steps given in this article would remain the same only the screenshot contents might change 3. In the Downloads section of the latest release, you will find different packages for Windows, Mac, Linux etc 4. Click on the windows version to download and save it on your machine With this, we complete the download process for Appium Desktop.

Open the folder location where you have downloaded Appium Desktop and double click on the exe to start the installation process 2. Leave the already selected option as it is and then click on Install button 3.

Once the installation process starts, you will see the Appium Setup window as displayed below 4. Once installation is complete, you will see the below Appium Desktop window 5.

Appium Desktop Start screen will be displayed 6. Next Steps… Want to learn more about Appium Desktop? Mobile elements inspection with Appium Desktop — Part 2 If you are looking for complete Appium setup, then please check out our Appium Tutorial guide.


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    In Node. Once you hit Enter, you will see that Node will start installing Appium you might have to wait a few seconds to see the actual installation happening. Some screenshots of the installation steps are given below —. Once the installation is complete, you will see that command prompt screen as shown in the below screenshot.

    In the above image, you can see that running Appium -v command shows the version number as 1. This confirms that the latest version of Appium has been successfully installed on your machine. Since you have downloaded a non-GUI version of Appium, the only way you can start the server is through command prompt.

    You can either use the default windows command prompt or the Node. Once you open command prompt, you can simply run command — Appium , which will start the Appium server as shown in the below image. Please note that this command starts Appium on the default address and port which is 0.

    If you want to run Appium on a specific server and port of your choice, then you can provide it with the command like this — appium -a This command starts appium server on address In the command prompt window, press the keys Ctrl and C. This completes the article on downloading and installing non GUI version of Appium 1. Let us know if you found this article helpful and the steps easy to understand.

    Your feedback would help us improve our content and make it more useful for all our readers. Related: If you use the non-GUI version of Appium, then you would also be interested in learning how you can start and stop Appium server from Java. Have a look at this article for complete details — Start and Stop Appium server from Java.

    If you enjoyed this article, like us on Facebook. We share lot of additional information on our Facebook page. See you there!! Skip to content Skip to primary sidebar If you have been working on Appium or have been actively following Appium updates, then you might be aware that a newer version of Appium was released in October Appium v 1. The steps would remain the same the content in the screenshots might be bit different based on what version you are using Are you looking for complete Appium setup from scratch?

    Why download or upgrade to Appium 1. Installing Appium 1. Step 1 — Download and Install Node. JS Follow the steps given below to download and install Node. Click on Save File to save the msi file on your machine 4. Toggle navigation. Introducing Appium. Watch the Videos. Use your favorite tools Appium aims to automate any mobile app from any language and any test framework, with full access to back-end APIs and DBs from test code. Easy setup process, run a test now.

    Leave it as it is and click on OK. Click the Next button to continue the installation. Click Next to continue. Note : I will suggest you to restart your machine now, or wait for the next installation of Eclipse but make sure you restart your machine before running the first test. I live in Amsterdam NL , with my wife and a lovely daughter. Please connect with me at LinkedIn or follow me on Instagram.

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    Releases · appium/appium-desktop · GitHub - Use your favorite tools

    Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. Download Appium. Is native app automation missing from your tool belt? Problem solved. And that you should be able to use your preferred test practices, frameworks, and tools. Appium is an open source project and has made design and tool decisions to encourage a vibrant contributing community. Appium aims to automate any mobile app from any language and any test framework, with full access to back-end APIs and DBs from test code.

    Write tests with your favorite dev tools using all the above programming languages, and probably more with the Selenium WebDriver API and language-specific client libraries. See the Appium example tests. Toggle navigation Appium. Appium Automation for Apps Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. Toggle navigation. Introducing Appium. Watch the Videos. Use your favorite tools Appium aims to automate any mobile app from any language and any test framework, with full access to back-end APIs and DBs from test code.

    Easy setup process, run a test now.

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    Download And Install Appium Desktop Client for Windows.

    This software is no longer available for the download. Capabilities The Windows driver supports a number of standard Appium capabilities.

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